It's been a while, but I'm still at it! Five more down:
The Big Year
Not a fan. It was just okay.
East of Eden
Good, but of course the book blows it away. And the movie focuses more on Cal, instead of Adam (as in the book).
Rebel Without a Cause
I just must not be a big James Dean fan, because I didn't understand what all the hype was about this movie. It was just okay as well.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Excellent. Paul Newman? Excellent. Elizabeth Taylor? Excellent. The whole movie takes place over one night. It's fast paced and very dramatic. I loved it.
A Streetcar named Desire
Blanche DeBois. "Stella"!!!!!!!! Another good one. Vivien Leigh won an Oscar for this one, which was well deserved. Marlon Brando was good as well.
My favorites:
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, followed very closely be a Streetcar Named Desire.
14 left!!!
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
CVS Deals
I promise my blog will not become a couponing blog. However, I got a few good deals today that I thought I would share.
Now, this trip took hardly no effort whatsoever. We ran out of milk, and I was driving RIGHT by CVS, so I pulled in.
I always have my coupons with me. And my iPad. So I pulled up the CVS ad in my car, spent 30 seconds browsing through it, looked at my little coupon notebook and went inside.
This is what I brought home:
Now, this trip took hardly no effort whatsoever. We ran out of milk, and I was driving RIGHT by CVS, so I pulled in.
I always have my coupons with me. And my iPad. So I pulled up the CVS ad in my car, spent 30 seconds browsing through it, looked at my little coupon notebook and went inside.
This is what I brought home:
At full price, the items above would have cost $43.54.
After my store card and coupons, I paid $19.41. Over 50% savings!
All of these items were already on sale at CVS. That is the only way to coupon. I paired coupons with the already discounted items and got each item at 50% off (at least). One Tide and one shampoo will go to my mother-in-law, and the rest I will keep.
Seriously....this trip took maybe 5 minutes of looking through the ad and pulling out my coupons. AND it was CVS, which I usually avoid. They can be fussy about their coupons, but today everything went smoothly!
p.s. - I didn't forget my milk. It was on sale too!
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Not-So-Extreme Couponing
A few months ago I started tracking my portion of our household budget. I’m not talking about bills, I’m talking about money spent on groceries, household items, eating out, etc.
I was appalled about how much we (I) was spending on groceries/pets/household items. I’ve read these blogs in the past about thrifty moms who spend like $50 a week on groceries for a family of four or five and I was horrified to learn that I was spending wayyyy more than that on our family of two. Granted, we have five animals that we have to feed and care for also, and their food is included into one lump sum of our ‘food/household/pet’ category of the budget. But still. Something had to change.
I started to research couponing. At first, I was watching Extreme Couponing, but then ruled that out almost immediately for two reasons:
1. Time
2. Space
Some of the people on this show make couponing their full-time job. They spend anywhere from 35-45 hours EVERY WEEK planning and researching their shopping trips. Because I already work full-time, I definitely don’t have time for this. I also don’t have room for a stockpile room. Now, I totally understand why couponers stockpile. In the long run, it’s how they can get free groceries most of the time. But we have no room, and with only two of us, even dry goods would expire before we had a chance to use them.
But I took the basic principles and put them to work on a MUCH smaller scale.
I only buy one Sunday newspaper each week instead of 10. I only spend 1-2 hours each week (at most) couponing, as opposed to 40. I only stock up on 2-3 items at a time (if that) instead of 50.
It’s working very well so far, but I’ve had to make a few adjustments. At first, when I was all excited, I tried to go to Target, Smith’s, Walgreen’s, CVS and Albertson’s all in one day. While I did save a lot, it was just too hectic and stressful. Especially Walgreens and CVS. They are their own little monsters in the coupon world. Yes, you can save probably the most at these places, but it is also the most confusing with their ECBs, RRs, coupon policies, etc.
So I decided that I will not focus on those spots, although when they do have great sales, I will try to find a coupon to match with it.
I decided to focus on one store: Target.
Anyone that knows me will not be surprised. Target is my favorite store. Not only do I save 5% on EVERYTHING every single time I shop there using my Target Red Card (Debit card), I also have started using their Cartwheel app. Once you download the app, you browse through the offers, and ‘add’ them to your virtual discount card. A lot of these are for their store brand items (Market Pantry), but they also have tons of other offers on there. Most are ‘save 5 – 10%’ off. When you get to the register, you pull up the app on your phone and the cashier will scan the barcode, and the discount will be removed from your total.
We also get our prescriptions filled each month at Target, and for every 5 prescriptions you fill, they send you a 5% off card everything.
AND, because I try to get EVERYTHING there, each time I check out, the register spits out usually an additional 5-7 Target coupons for me. Plus, I get them in the mail all the time.
With Target’s policy, you can pair one Target coupon with one Manufacturer coupon. So if a Target coupon prints out for $1 off Tidy Cats litter (normally $6.99), and I have a manufacturer coupon for $1 off Tidy Cats litter, I can pair those. Plus, usually Tidy Cats is one of the items discounted within the Cartwheel app (10%), plus my automatic 5% off by using my Target Red Card, plus if I have an additional 5% off prescription card, my once $6.99 cat litter is now…….$3.99! I save even more if Tidy Cats goes on sale.
Target also has great gift card deals. For example, this week they had 'Buy 3 of these select items, get a $10 gift card'. There were probably 10 items on the list to choose from, including Tide and Bounty. I bought two Tide detergents ($9.99 each), and one multi-pack of Bounty paper towels ($11.99). I had two coupons for the Tide (a manufacturer coupon plus a Target coupon), bringing the price of the Tide detergents down to 6.99 each. I also had $2 off the Bounty, bringing it down to $9.99, plus a 10% off Cartwheel, bringing the Bounty down to $8.99. And then, I had a $5 gift card to use from a previous purchase. So when I paid for my items, I paid $17.10 (using my 5% Target Debit Card). And then I got a $10 gift card back. So really...I paid $7.10 for a purchase that would have been $32.00 without coupons.
I still look through all store ads though. Sometimes Smith’s has great ’10 for $10’ sales, which I can use coupons for and get free items. I was able to stock up on shampoo, deodorant, and body wash for us and my mother-in-law a few weeks ago from one of these sales. And Walgreens and CVS do have some great deals too. I got three free items at CVS a couple of weeks ago, and have $5 of CVS bucks to use this week.
It just takes a little planning. Here are my tips:
*Do the majority of your couponing at one store. This will save a lot of hassle and headache. Not to mention time.
*Keep up with it every week. If you don’t clip and organize your coupons each and every week, you will get backed up and then it will take forever to get caught up. Have a system, whether that be a binder, folders, envelopes, etc. I spend usually 1-2 hours on Sundays.
*Try not to be too ‘brand picky’. The reason I was able to get us free shampoo, deodorant, etc. was because I wasn’t super picky about the brands. If you are a super brand picky person about everything, then couponing is probably not for you. Be willing to try new things and new products. You might be surprised. Most of the free stuff I got was Secret, Dial and Dove brands (no off brands). The only coupons you will ever get for ‘off’ brands are ones that print out at the register. Like when Target spits out coupons at the register for me, they are usually for their ‘Up and Up’ and ‘Market Pantry’ brands. And I can pair those coupons with the Cartwheel discounts.
It's worth it for us. I kind of view it as a game. I love seeing how much I can save each week!
Monday, December 16, 2013
*I have been a bad blogger lately. Sorry. Life is busy!
*I can think of at least 4 movies that are coming out in the next couple of months that I really want to see. It seems like all the good movies come out this time of year! (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Saving Mr. Banks, Labor Day...and I can't think of the other one)
*I ALWAYS get good parking spots. I don't know what it is. Even on Black Friday. Here's a picture of my latest good spot....Trader Joe's on a busy Friday night.
*I can think of at least 4 movies that are coming out in the next couple of months that I really want to see. It seems like all the good movies come out this time of year! (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Saving Mr. Banks, Labor Day...and I can't think of the other one)
*I ALWAYS get good parking spots. I don't know what it is. Even on Black Friday. Here's a picture of my latest good spot....Trader Joe's on a busy Friday night.
Right in front.
*I have been loving breakfast foods lately (more than usual). I made this a couple of weeks ago:
An egg, cheese and veggie quiche. Yum!
*I didn't make the playoffs this year for Fantasy Football. My husband did. I came in 5th place, and only the top 4 go to playoffs. I told my husband that I think the players in 1st through 5th place this year should get a trophy (in addition to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd). Ha ha.
*Scrubs is one of my favorite shows. I love it. However, it wasn't until recently that I watched the 9th season. I don't think it should be called the final season though, because in my mind, the 8th season was the 'final' season. They wrapped everything up in Season 8 with a nice little bow and everything ended up as it should have. And then, apparently, the writers and producers or whatever thought they would come back for a half a season (9). So there was 13 episodes, only the regulars weren't so regular. J.D. and Elliot were only on like 3 or 4 episodes. was just odd. Not the same. And it ended very abruptly. So, in my head, Season 8 was the final season. How's that for a long paragraph about Scrubs?
*It was almost 60 degrees here today! The rest of the week is supposed to be in the high 50s. I'll take it.
*If you like Olive Garden, please try the mushroom ravioli the next time you go. I don't like mushrooms even, but this stuff is awesome. The sauce is amazing!
*My husband was chairman for the first time in French on Saturday. He did great! He also has Bible highlights in French on Wednesday.
*And I saved the best for last....nephew #3 kissing nephew #4. Adorable.
Monday, December 9, 2013
I became an Auntie for the 5th time at 1:11 a.m. this morning.
There is something very special about being an aunt. I have the privilege of being related to these little (and not so little) people. I get to watch them grow up, and watch my siblings be amazing parents.
There is something very special about being an aunt. I have the privilege of being related to these little (and not so little) people. I get to watch them grow up, and watch my siblings be amazing parents.
Choosing not to have kids myself adds another element to being an auntie. I like to think that even though I am so far from them and don’t get to see them often, they know that they always have a place with us. If they want to come and stay for a few weeks during the summer, they can. If they want our undivided attention while they are here, they will always have it. They are, without a doubt, the most important little (and not so little) people in our lives.
They are all so special.
D (17). He will be 18 next month (ugh! I’m getting old). He has always been mature. He was 6 going on 12. And then 12 going on 18. And now 18 going on….well you get the drift. Such a cool teenager. Such a gentleman.
M (12). I was in the room when he was born. He always accidentally called me ‘mom’ at least once each time when he would spend the night with me when he was younger “mom…I mean Angie”. We still have our inside jokes, our Face Time, and our memories. He is so special.
A (4). My one and only niece. She is so very special and girly and she has long curly hair and I love her to pieces. I am so glad I got a niece. (I’m sorry, but buying little girl stuff is so much more fun than buying little boy stuff).
M (1). Nephew #3. He is the exact replica of my brother. Totally. Not only in his looks, but his actions as well. He makes car and truck noises just like my brother did as a child. He is adorable. I can’t wait until I can kiss his cheeks again.
A (1 day). I don’t know much about him yet, other than he is adorable and looks like my sister-in-law and he has a fantastic older brother and older sister and two amazing cousins. J I can’t wait to meet you little man!
Feeling very thankful tonight for healthy and happy kids (that aren’t mine, but I would take any of them in a heartbeat). J My heart is full.
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