I've never really done a post about art, probably because it's taken us a while to build up our collection.
We have a little bit of everything, some originals, some prints, some very random items....I'll just share a few pieces here.
An original painting:
From World Market (I love circles):
A print of my favorite painting from the Art Institute of Chicago:
A card from Etsy with a quote from my favorite movie:
And a wooden movie poster of my favorite movie (of course):
A card from Paris:
A Super Girl print signed by the artist who painted it:
Quite the variety, right? The comic stuff and movie stuff we hang in the office. The rest is throughout the house, mostly the living room and the bedroom.
My whole point of this post though is that we recently got 3 new pieces of art that I wanted to share. The first one is the anniversary gift that I got from my husband in April:
I had seen something like this in Chicago when we were there last July and I mentioned how cool it was. He remembered and got me one! You can pick the letters you want (they have a variety of each letter). And each letter he picked has a special meaning. The 'S' is for the path we're on together, the 'P' reminded him of a 'p' on a parking garage in Lincoln, Nebraska (where we first met a long time ago), the train tracks because we love traveling together, etc. I love it! (It spells out our last name by the way).
We hung it over the buffet in the dining room:
The next piece is really cool...unfortunately though it didn't get to stay here at home. It now lives at my husband's office.
My husband is a huge Daredevil fan. He likes all Marvel characters, but especially Daredevil. Daredevil is an attorney who fights crime. My husband is a prosecuting attorney who puts bad guys in jail. See? It makes sense.
He got the original artwork from a Daredevil comic book which was the pencil drawing and the inking. It is of Matt Murdock (a.k.a. Daredevil) falling off a building. He is clearly in his attorney get-up, but as he's falling, you can see his Daredevil suit underneath.
Sorry for the poor picture....I didn't want to take the wrapping off of the frame because he was transporting it to work. Pencil is on the left, ink on the right (although I'm sure you could have figured that out.
Cool, huh? He's hanging it in his office at work.
The last piece is something we got at an art fair last year while my family was here visiting. It's my lovebirds!
This photo does it no justice at all...the coloring is so much more vibrant in 'real life'! I hung it up in my entryway.
So that's it. We finally got around to framing them, which was a good feeling!
I'm no art expert or anything...I just like what I like. Whether it be Super Girl, an Eiffel Tower from Paris, or a love birds painting. There's always something to look at our house!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
20 Years of Reading
20 years. TWENTY YEARS OF READING. Okay, so technically this isn’t true. I’ve been reading since I was 5. So (here’s my age)…I’ve been re...
20 years. TWENTY YEARS OF READING. Okay, so technically this isn’t true. I’ve been reading since I was 5. So (here’s my age)…I’ve been re...
Wow. May 7th was the last time I blogged. Oops. I'm not even going to pretend that I have a good reason for the big pause, just life ...
I've been compiling a mental list of things lately that I LOVE and would recommend to anyone. So here it is. Randomness at it's ...