I thought it would be fun to do a post on my favorite apps (currently...they tend to change). I have many apps on my phone and iPad, but I go through them regularly and delete the ones I rarely use. It's easy to download a free game app thinking it will be great and then you play it once in 6 months.
So, in no particular order, here are my favorite apps:
Instagram (Free) (iPhone)
I was a little late on the Instagram bandwagon, but now I find myself using it and checking it way more than Facebook. I've been able to reconnect with my cousins in Missouri and see pictures of their lovely children (who are getting so big!), and keep in touch with all my friends back in Nebraska. I love that there is no drama (just pictures!), no advertising, and it is way easy to use.
Candy Crush Saga (Free) (iPad)
I'm not as addicted as some, however it is definitely my 'go-to' game when I'm caught up on all my other ones (Words With Friends, Scramble With Friends, Hanging, Matching and Gems). I'm currently stuck on Level 141.
Google Translate (Free) (iPad)
A lifesaver when trying to figure out a pronunciation in French.
Yahoo Fantasy Football (Free) (iPhone)
This one will drop off my list in a few weeks when fantasy football season is over, but for now it's great! I can make changes to my lineup from my phone anywhere.
Shazam (Free) (iPhone)
This one is recent find and it is so fun and kind of amazing. Have you ever been in the car and listening to a new song that you decide you love but the DJ doesn't come on until like 4 songs later when you're already inside, etc. and you have no clue who sings it? Enter Shazam. All you do is press the button on Shazam while the song is playing and Shazam will tell you in about 2 seconds the title and the singer of the song. This also works on television shows, which is where I expect to use it the most. Parenthood is one of my favorite shows and it has the BEST music...at least 5 or 6 songs in each episode. Now I don't have to Google each song and try to remember some of the lyrics. I can just Shazam it!!
Notability ($2.99) (iPad)
I've saved the best for last. This is my new favorite and I'm kind of obsessed with it. I use my iPad a LOT at the meetings. It is so helpful to have it so that I don't have to haul around 6-7 books (both French and English). So usually I'll use one paper copy (English), and then load up my French publications on my iPad. However, I like to underline, highlight and even write comments while I'm studying. And while you can highlight and underline on PDF and ePub versions, you can't write or make visible notes easily.
Enter...Notability! Since I purchased the app, each time I download a new publication, it asks me if I want to open it in iBooks or Notability. If I download it to Notability, I have the ability to underline, highlight, scribble, erase, type, anything. And then I can save it, email it to myself, or just keep it within the Notability app. I love it! I can also create blank notes. But I bought it mostly for the function of marking up PDF files.
It's fun to draw on it too. My mother-in-law wrote this last night (good evening) and then I had to add a rainbow.
I need to get a stylus though...my finger writing and drawing needs some work!
So there you have it...a few of my favorite apps that make my life a little easier and fun!