There are very few weekends where everything just comes together, and it's a nice mix of relaxing and being productive.
This weekend was the exception! I absolutely love weekends like this.
Here's a rundown of a few of things we accomplished (both productive and relaxing):
*Held a successful garage sale at my mother-in-law's. We got rid of a TON of stuff and she made a nice amount of money. It exceeded our expectations for sure. And the only advertising I did was on Craigslist and I put out two signs. That's it! Oh, and all of the big stuff went (the king sized mattress, the old tv, etc.). It was a beautiful day also.
*Took one carload full of 'leftovers' from the garage sale to the Goodwill. Everything that didn't sell (which wasn't much) went to Goodwill. None of it was brought back into the house!
*We were home by 1:00 p.m. Which I think is amazing personally. We had a few early birds that arrived before our 8:00 a.m. start time and that helped. They bought a ton! We called it at about 12:30, when we hadn't seen anyone for 45 minutes or so.
*We watched the exciting Husker game. It was great! Wow, the last 11 seconds were amazing. I re-watched it a few times on (where it was on the home page and probably still is).
*We watched a couple episodes of Vikings. We basically just laid around after the garage sale. So lots of TV was watched.
*I blogged.
*I picked up a couple of new Fantasy Football players, one of whom got me almost 20 points today! (Keenan Allen - San Diego Chargers)
And today:
*Almost ALL of the laundry is done, folded, ironed, and put away. This is huge, because our laundry has been neglected for over a week because of garage sale planning.
*Lots of football was watched. I am going to win this week. I am currently 4 points ahead of my opponent. He has one player going tonight, and that player is projected to get 5 points. Granted, he could get way more than that...but I doubt it. And I have two of my stars playing tomorrow night still: Aaron Rodgers and Brandon Marshall. So a win is pretty much for certain. All of my players came through for me this week, especially Allen and Gronkowski.
*I've set out my work clothes for tomorrow already.
I wish every weekend could be like this. Well, I wouldn't want to have a garage sale every weekend. But it felt SO GOOD to unload all of that stuff and have it out of the way. But we still did plenty of relaxing, which was wonderful. The extra hour helped also.
And finally, here are two pictures that have nothing to do with this post, but they are the only two pictures I took this weekend:
Max and Howie, during the Husker game (Max was into the game as well):
And Masi, our 17 year old Siamese kitty:
20 Years of Reading
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