Saturday, March 8, 2014
We lost our beloved dog Max on Thursday. He was 11. He was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago and he went downhill very quickly. His weakness greatly increased on Tuesday. On Wednesday he needed help getting up off the ground. It was his time.
I can't even begin to list all of the wonderful things about Maximus. There are not enough pages in this blog to list everything I loved about him.
We miss him like crazy.
We are doing as best as can be expected I guess. We knew we made the right choice and have comfort in knowing that he is not in pain anymore.
We've spent the past 3 days together and giving extra cuddles to Hannah. She is doing okay. The first day without him she was down and Today she is much better and acting more like herself, which is comforting to us. She loved Max too.
Here's what's helping:
*TV. The Office, Parks and Rec, Chuck, pretty much anything funny.
*Hannah and the cats. They know something is wrong, and they know how to comfort us.
*Ben & Jerry's. Ha ha. And French Fries. And mac and cheese.
*Movies. Yesterday we watched Hunger Games and Catching Fire back to back.
*Retail therapy. I haven't been majorly shopping or anything, but it's just nice to get out of the house. Although my brain is kind of fuzzy. Today I was aimlessly walking around Home Goods with a slotted spoon in my hand, because I forgot the other two things I went there for. (I eventually remembered).
Each day will get a little easier, but it sure doesn't seem that way now. Maxy was definitely one of a kind. We won't ever stop missing him.
20 Years of Reading
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