*My allergies have been so bad today that my eyes are itching and burning and I've sneezed 17 times tonight (yes, I've been counting).
*My husband is hanging out with a friend tonight so it's been just me and the puppies hanging out at home. Watson has de-stuffed his Spiderman toy and Ducky. And I have been following him around picking up the stuffing.
*I've been watching That 70's Show on Netflix. Well, in the usual way that I 'watch' television....on my iPad either while in the kitchen or at my desk while doing some other project. Like blogging. Ha ha. Anyways, some of the episodes are really funny and some are just stupid. Kitty and Fez are my favorite characters. Debra Jo Rupp is awesome (she played Alice, Phoebe's much older sister-in-law on 'Friends')
She's super funny.
*I've been working on my desk tonight. I did a smaller project last night, which I will also blog about. It feels really good to get these things done! I need to tackle the kitchen and the office next. The office won't be bad. The kitchen is another story.
*My husband is awesome....he went to Costco today (he's off this week) and got all of our usual stuff. He remembered everything....with no list! I was very impressed.
*Work has been nuts, but the days are going by super fast. However when I come home I'm pretty beat.
I think that's all. Sorry this was a boring random update, but I can't really see anymore due to the itching and burning and I need to take my contacts out. Good times!
20 Years of Reading
20 years. TWENTY YEARS OF READING. Okay, so technically this isn’t true. I’ve been reading since I was 5. So (here’s my age)…I’ve been re...
20 years. TWENTY YEARS OF READING. Okay, so technically this isn’t true. I’ve been reading since I was 5. So (here’s my age)…I’ve been re...
Wow. May 7th was the last time I blogged. Oops. I'm not even going to pretend that I have a good reason for the big pause, just life ...
I've been compiling a mental list of things lately that I LOVE and would recommend to anyone. So here it is. Randomness at it's ...