Oh my I haven't blogged in a while, and I really didn't think my next blog post would be about this topic but oh well. Life is unpredictable sometimes!
Disclaimer: I am on strong pain meds right now so I apologize if this post doesn't make sense.
Saturday night my tooth started hurting. By Sunday morning, my lower jaw started to swell. On Monday morning I went to my dentist who took one look at me and referred me to an oral surgeon. That afternoon, I went to see him. He looked at the problem tooth and also informed me that he saw three other 'problem' areas that he'd like to fix before they got worse. Of course.
So this morning at 7:30 I had surgery to fix all of the issues in my mouth. But let me back up.
I HATE the dentist. I metabolize Novocain extremely fast. Which means that I don't stay numb for long. Which means that during any dental procedure, they have to keep giving me shots about every five minutes. Not pleasant, especially when the numbness wears off.
So, when they told me they'd like to put me out completely for this procedure I freaked out a bit. What if I was one of those people who would feel everything? I had never been put out before for anything!
But I got over it because I really didn't have a choice. This morning they got me hooked up to the blood pressure machine, pulse, electrodes, etc. then they started an IV. Then they gave me oxygen. Then they gave me laughing gas, which had no effect on me at all. They said that was normal in this high elevation. Then they gave me a wonderful concoction of drugs through my IV that made me veerrryyy sleepy. And the next thing I remember I woke up with gauze stuffed in my mouth.
I am now a big fan of being put out for dental stuff!!
I'm doing ok now. I'm sore and swollen but I'm pumped full of antibiotics and pain meds which is helping. I'm taking it easy and sleeping a lot!!
And that's my surgery story. :)
20 Years of Reading
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