Saturday, January 20, 2018


My first ever hospital visit happened the week before last.   I think it’s pretty good to be 40 years old before you first hospital visit!!

I won’t go into detail, but it was an interesting experience on many levels.  First off….I work for this hospital system.  And I went to the E.R. straight from work so I still had my badge on.  I got lots of questions.  It was interesting to see in action a lot of the stuff we discuss in our weekly meetings ha ha.   

But it was also like the busiest ER day/night they’ve had in like a year (according to them).  UGH!  Not a great experience. 

I had a myriad of tests done.  Two of the tests I had done were new to me though….the abdominal ultrasound (the one on the OUTSIDE of the body) and a CT scan.  Interesting. 

I’m feeling better, my pain is better, but I need surgery sometime in the near future.  I’m thinking it will be a few months.  I’m just hoping that until then my pain stays away as much as possible.  So far, so good.

I will say that I am a big fan of technology these days.  That night, I was able to see all of my detailed test results via the online portal that my hospital has for its patients and members to access.  I mean, they share your test results when you’re there, but I wanted to read the actual reports (I loved reading the part of my CT scan that said I had ‘no masses’ on my organs.)  I was also able to make a follow up appointment for 2 days later, plus message my doctor for some additional questions I had.  So easy and accessible!  I could pay my bill too, if I had a bill.  All I had was a co-pay which my husband paid while we were there.  But I was able to see what the charges were (yikes).  Thank you, health insurance!

So, not a GREAT way to start off the year, but I still feel blessed.  It could have been much worse, and my condition is not life-threatening at all.  So I’m trying to stay positive about it and not worry about the fact that I may be awake during my surgery since anesthesia doesn’t work on me.  Two sarcastic thumbs up!!  I’m not going to think about that today though.  I’ll think about that tomorrow.  After all, tomorrow is another day!  #GWTWforever

20 Years of Reading

20 years.  TWENTY YEARS OF READING. Okay, so technically this isn’t true.  I’ve been reading since I was 5.  So (here’s my age)…I’ve been re...