Sunday, April 29, 2018


*Let's talk Target (again).  Have you seen their Beauty Boxes that they are selling in stores now?  They have 4 different types, and you can see exactly 
what's in them.

They are sample sized products (with the exception of at least one full-size product, in this case it was the Burt's Bee's lip balm).  But the sample sizes are decent!  I set them next to my electric toothbrush for perspective.  :)

And the best part?  They are only $7!!!  Target is just KILLING ME!!!

*I'm about to show you probably the most random picture I've ever taken:

These are the waterproof phone cases that I ordered from Amazon.  The instructions said to test them out and slip a tissue inside each one, submerge the case in water for 30 minutes, then remove the tissue and make sure it is completely dry.

The problem though, is that I ordered the 'floating cases'.  Meaning....if my phone is in a waterproof case and I drop it in the bottom of the Blue Lagoon, the waterproof case isn't going to do a bit of good.  So of course I bought the floating cases, so if i drop it in the water it will float (there's a lanyard attached to it as well to wear it around your neck).

ANYWAYS....the 'submersion' didn't work because the case kept floating to the top.  So basically I forced these under the water for about 5 minutes.  The tissue was dry.  They work.  Good enough!

*Currently as we speak, there are 6 guys at my house watching soccer.  And eating and drinking.  I helped set up the food, made sure everyone had what they needed and quietly retreated upstairs.  I should be packing and cleaning, but blogging is more fun.

*The camera on my new phone is AMAZING.  I took these after we got home from the assembly last night:

No filters, no edits, these were straight out of the camera in portrait mode.

*I'm done packing!!

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.  RIGHT.

I did bring the suitcases upstairs though.

And I have many piles going.

AND all of the laundry is done, we have everything we need for the trip, etc.  I just need to actually PUT the things into the suitcase.  But my piles are kind of all over the place:

So we don't really have an itinerary for our trip.  We have a map, which I have marked places to see.  There are only two things we needed to book tickets for. One is the Blue Lagoon, which we will do straight from the airport.  

And one is the glacier tour, which I booked on Wednesday.'s the map of the Western half of Iceland:

As you can see from the giant white arrow (where we're staying), everything we want to see is fairly close (the map is deceiving...Iceland is about the size of Ohio).  

There is one exception though, shown on the OTHER half of the map...Eastern Iceland:

See that green tag farthest to the right?  That's where I just booked our glacier boat tour.  It's about a 4-5 hour drive (each way) from where we're staying.  I booked our tour for 1:30.  I'm not concerned about daylight, because currently in Iceland, the sun is rising at 5:00 a.m. and sunset is not until 10:00 p.m.  So we plan to get up early, make the drive, do the tour (which is about an hour) then take our time coming back.  Apparently the drive is supposed to be breathtaking, so we wanted to give ourselves plenty of time to enjoy it on the way back and stop if we want to.

So Wednesday is really our only 'planned' day.  And the Saturday that we arrive (Blue Lagoon).  Everything else in between we're just going to 'wing' and decide as we go and hopefully get to check everything off of our list!

And more the 'Names for the Sea' book that I read last month, the author mentioned that every time she looked at a map of Iceland, she saw a sea monster (and then described it).  And now...I can't 'unsee' it!!  It's too funny:

*Tonight we have tickets to see the new Avengers movie.  I. CAN'T. WAIT. !!!  From what I hear, all the hype is well-deserved.

The end.

20 Years of Reading

20 years.  TWENTY YEARS OF READING. Okay, so technically this isn’t true.  I’ve been reading since I was 5.  So (here’s my age)…I’ve been re...