*Costco has started selling SKYR!!!!! It’s not widely found in the United States. We have found it at Sprouts and Whole Foods, but it is way expensive. We LOVED it when we were in Iceland and it was one of the few grocery items that was affordable. We get 2 cases of it each time we are at Costco. It’s 4 Weight Watchers points for one container. 15 grams of protein. There are other products out there (Siggy’s, etc.) that claim to be Skyr, but they’re not. This one is the only one available in the US that contains Icelandic Heriloom Skyr Cultures (from Iceland’s oldest farmer-owned dairy). It was a happy, happy day when we discovered it. It’s the little things in life, you know?
*I’ve pretty much given up TV. I watch maybe 1 hour on the weekends. That’s it. And sometimes not even that. And when I do watch, it's usually something I've watched before like Parks and Rec or Downton Abbey. And you know what? I don’t miss it. I’ve been READING LIKE CRAZY.

*We went back to English. We talked and prayed about it for months now and felt it was the right decision for our family. I am relieved, but I am also heartbroken about leaving our French family. We truly are a family. And it’s going to be hard to find that again. But at the same time, English has already given us a huge spiritual boost. And our new congregation has lovingly welcomed us.
*This hairbrush has changed my life. Well, not really, ha ha. But again…it’s the little things. I LOVE it. It’s the Conair Ceramic Porcupine Cushion Brush. My hair takes less than a minute to brush out as opposed to 10 minutes ripping through it with a wide-toothed comb. I don’t know why I waited so long to switch to a brush. I got it at Target….I think it was $9?
*Monsoon season is still going strong. This is the heaviest monsoon I’ve seen since I’ve lived here. My mother-in-law says the same thing and she’s lived here 20+ years. It’s been raining almost every night. I love it! The dog…not so much. The picture below is from abqjournal.com. It is a very accurate portrayal of monsoon season. This is looking East (the Sandia mountains are right behind the rain) and the Rio Grande is where all the green trees are in the middle. We live on the East side (so basically, right where the rain is dumping). Anyways...the sun will be out, then all of the sudden one part of town will look VERY ominous and there will be an isolated monsoon that dumps a crapload of rain for a good 15-20 minutes. Streets flood, traffic comes to a stop. And then the next day, there are traffic crews out cleaning up the rocks. Because there isn't a lot of grass here, there are rocks in it's place. And when there's a tremendous amount of rain, the rocks get washed into the street.

I just have to give a shout-out to my washer and dryer. Ha ha. I do at LEAST one load of laundry per day, sometimes more (gym clothes, work clothes, meeting clothes, towels, bedding, etc.). They are LG Front Loaders. I love them!!!!
I'm working from home today. He is not making it difficult AT ALL: