I've been meaning to do a post like this for a while, but I just haven't had the chance. Life is busy! But I'm making the time.
So here is a day in my life (today):
5:30: Alarm goes off. I hit snooze, usually twice.
5:45: Actually get out of bed. As soon as I get out of bed, the Chihuahua snuggles up to my husband (since she has to be touching somebody warm apparently).
Start my morning routine, which includes washing face, brushing teeth, getting dressed for the day (today it was easy because it was casual Friday), fix hair, etc. As soon as I'm dressed, I go out to the kitchen and pack our lunches. I usually pack the same things for us each day. Today it was Amy's Light Vegetarian Burritos, yogurt, fruit and some yogurt covered raisins. I clip husband's lunch bag to his work bag so that he doesn't forget it.
Husband comes out to the kitchen and starts getting his gym bag ready for the day (he's been going to the gym over his lunch break) and I start getting the dog food ready. Puppy #1 comes out for his breakfast. He doesn't get out of his bed until he hears his bowl being placed on the kitchen counter. Then he decides to grace us with his presence.
He eats, while I get Puppy #2's medication ready. She is almost done with her meds, thank goodness. She is still in bed, so husband retrieves her. She is usually not happy about this. And then I add to her bad mood by shoving a pill down her throat and a dropper full of Amoxicillin. But then she gets a 'cookie' (a mini milk bone) on top of her breakfast so I am forgiven.
I put on my makeup, get my purse and lunch and grab watermelon from the fridge and head out the door. (Husband takes dogs for walk and then leaves for work around 7:30)
6:30 - 6:45 - Drive to work. Traffic is good. Hear on the radio that today is the 'unofficial' start to Balloon Fiesta, which means that the balloon pilots are scattered throughout the cities at 55 different elementary schools. They will inflate their balloons and have a 'q&a' session with the students. However, it is windy this morning, so no flying. The first mass ascension is scheduled for tomorrow morning.
6:45 - Boot up my computer. Go to the break room and heat up my oatmeal (I keep a box of Quaker Lower Sugar Peach oatmeal packets in my desk). I also get some coffee from the break room, which isn't particularly good, but it will do the trick for this morning. I'm trying to cut back on caffeine and Diet Coke, so I didn't stop to get one this morning.
7:00 - check email, eat oatmeal. Order my mom a candy bouquet and some cookies from Hy-Vee to be delivered today. She is at home recovering from wrist surgery. Talk to one of my co-workers who has been in Madison, Wisconsin all week for work.
8:00 - start working on a new audit we received yesterday. Break open my watermelon spears. Send Dad a text.
(Yes that is a cow pen. My co-worker brought us pens from Madison. When you press down and write with it, the cows ears go up. Ha ha)
8:30 - Pull out headphones. My co-workers desk radio is especially loud today (blaring country music). I try to drown it out with some of MY music. Today it's the Barton Hollow album (The Civil Wars). Nice and soothing.
9:00 - Call our vet and request another vial of insulin for Howie, which I will pick up on my lunch break.
9:35 - Venture down to the cafeteria and fill up my water bottle. It's nice outside. (the cafeteria is in another building)
11:15 - Leave for the vets office to pick up and pay for Howie's insulin.
(The most expensive medication I have ever bought)
Make it back to work in 30 minutes. Time for lunch, which I eat at my desk. It is delicious. If you haven't tried 'Amy's' products, I highly recommend them. They are all organic and all vegetarian. You can buy them at Target and Walmart in the frozen section.
12:10 - Go to break room and wash lunch dishes. I use actual dishes at work that I keep in my desk.
1:30 - Realize I forgot to take my vitamins with lunch, so I take them now. (I also keep these at work)
2:20 - Emailed my sister-in-law back and forth for a while.
3:20 - I'm done working! Time to go. I call my mom on the way home to see how she's doing. Check the mail. My contacts came!
3:45 - 7:00 - Misc. tasks around the house. Taking the dogs out, picking up the house, scooping the cat box. Text my mother-in-law to make plans for tomorrow morning. Husband calls to say he has to work late. Eat a veggie corndog and salad for dinner. Give Howie his insulin shot. Take dogs out again. Do two loads of laundry. Study my magazine for tomorrow. Finish watching 'The Princess Diaries' (for another blog).
7:00 - Husband arrives home. I make him a breakfast burrito for dinner. He watches Agent Shield (is that what it's called?). I watch Parenthood on my iPad (using the NBC app), while I'm blogging right now! (it's 8:41)
So....that's a small glimpse into a typical day of mine. My evening will end with a shower, another round of meds for Puppy #2, and maybe getting a few things ready for tomorrow. Happy weekend!
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