(our pretty tree out front)
Life got really busy since the last time I posted, which really wasn't all that long ago.
I've been helping my mother-in-law prepare for an upcoming garage sale. It will be a decent sized one for sure. We've been going through her garage, closets, etc. which is right up my alley! I love purging and organizing. She is ready to downsize, so she's all over it and ready and willing to let stuff go.
We've had a sick kitty too...we spent some time at the emergency vet yesterday. She's feeling better though. It had been at least 8 months since we had to take her in, so she was due (she's 17).
I've been working on my French talk...I'm almost done with it. It actually wasn't that hard. I will talk slow, so honestly there's just not much to it. I want people to understand me. If French speakers go slow, I can understand about 90% of what they're saying. So I want to be understood. Its an easy subject too so that helps as well. I'm actually kind of excited about it!
And just...life. Work, service, meetings, French, studying, garage sales, taking care of our animals, mountains of laundry, date nights, grocery shopping, the list goes on and on. But you all know. Life is crazy sometimes, that's just how it is! Things should calm down a bit after next weekend though I hope.
And here's a random picture of roses I clipped yesterday (it's still beautiful here!):
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
20 Years of Reading
20 years. TWENTY YEARS OF READING. Okay, so technically this isn’t true. I’ve been reading since I was 5. So (here’s my age)…I’ve been re...
20 years. TWENTY YEARS OF READING. Okay, so technically this isn’t true. I’ve been reading since I was 5. So (here’s my age)…I’ve been re...
Wow. May 7th was the last time I blogged. Oops. I'm not even going to pretend that I have a good reason for the big pause, just life ...
I've been compiling a mental list of things lately that I LOVE and would recommend to anyone. So here it is. Randomness at it's ...