*We went to Olive Garden this week for dinner one night and had the BEST service I think we've ever had anywhere. I left like a 40% tip. Good service makes all the difference in the world! Our waiter was amazing and on top of everything, AND he was running the bar as well. Double duty.
*Work is crazy. I haven't had to do any overtime yet, so far I've been able to keep on top of everything.
*This morning we did a 3 mile walk for the American Diabetes Association. My husband's firm made a donation. We agreed to do it because it's one of things we COULD do, since we don't do holiday parties or anything else like that. It was a nice walk!
*We may have some exciting travel plans for next year, but everything is up in the air right now and nothing is for sure, so that's all I'm going to say about that!
*I got two new pairs of glasses. I was long overdue. I went to Stanton Optical, because they had a buy one get one free deal going on. However, you pay plenty for the first pair. Also, because my vision is so terrible, I have to get special lenses that are thinner and lighter. If I didn't go with these lenses, the frames I picked out wouldn't be able to support the weight and thickness of the lens. Lovely. And of course, that drives the price up as well. Oh, and the only pair that I found that I loved was Guess, which is designer, so they were more expensive. Of course. I made sure my second 'free' pair was from the designer shelf as well. Oh well. I wear glasses for years, so I probably won't order any more for at least five years ha ha.

*We got home around 11:00 a.m. from our walk and I was sooooo tired. Like this wave of exhaustion hit me really fast. I closed the drapes in our bedroom, turned on the fan and slept solid for 2 hours. This was a HUGE accomplishment for me because I can usually never take naps. I try and try and sleep for 10 minutes and wake up feeling terrible. But today? Totally refreshed. I think I really needed that extra sleep. I woke up, studied my French Watchtower and then we went to meeting.
*Balloon Fiesta starts next weekend. It doesn't really 'feel' like balloon fiesta yet. It doesn't seem cold enough. It's still been in the mid to high 80s every day. It cools down a lot at night, but the mornings aren't cold at all. I guess a lot can happen in a week though!
*My sister sent me some videos of my nephews on their dirt bikes and....wow. They are amazing!
*I love the Huskers alternate uniforms. I think I'm the minority. I love them though and I think they should wear them every week. The helmets are super cool too.
*We watched The Fault in Our Stars last night. I cried more the second time than the first time. How is that even possible? It's soooo good and soooo sad. And the music is amazing.
That's all my randomness for this evening.