In just a few days, we will have had Watson for 6 months.
Here's a few facts about Watson:
*he loves his 'woobies' (blankets). He carries them all over the house.
*he sleeps in his kennel at night, but has free reign of the house (minus our bedroom) during the day.
*he loves playing
*he loves us
*he HATES thunderstorms, lightning and rain
*he will eat anything (this is not a good thing)
*when we got him, the rescue organization told us ‘he can stand to put on a few pounds’. Well, I took that a little too far and now he needs to lose a few pounds. Sigh.
*he thinks he is a lap dog and consistently climbs up on my husband’s lap

*he and Hannah play, but it has to be on her terms.
*he loves playing with Bella when she comes over
*he and Howie have had a few run-ins. Howie always wins. Watson is not as scared of Howie as Max was, so he gets a little closer to him and doesn’t let Howie bully him as much. He has gotten scratched though for sure.
*every morning after we get up, my husband lets him out of his kennel and Watson trots back to the master bathroom to see me and I say ‘good morning handsome’. Because he’s a very handsome boy.
*His tail could power a small city
*The only toys I buy him are rope toys, nylabones (but not all of them…only the super rock hard plastic ones), and the occasional tennis ball. He chews up and de-stuffs everything else. He chews up the rope toys too, although those take him longer (like a day or two as opposed to a minute or two).
*He is a talker. When he yawns he really lets it out. He also will talk before we set his food down.
*His bark is scarier than Max’s was. How is that even possible?
*One day I came home and he was carrying around an apple in his mouth. Just carting it around the house. I took it away from him and there was not a puncture mark in it. ?? Odd.
*He has chewed up 3 of my shirts (that’s what I get for leaving them draped across a chair instead of hanging them up right away from the dryer). He’s chewed up medicine droppers (for the cat), two books, an entire box of plastic forks, a fake plant, countless tennis balls, various toys, and too many blankets to count. We have learned that anything on the floor OR the counter is fair game. He never puts his paws up on the counter when we are home, but we’re positive he does it when we are gone. We still love him though. AND he has never chewed up the couch or any other piece of furniture thankfully.
*After having him for a few months, we have decided that all of our future dogs will be adult rescues. They are just the best dogs out there and there are SO many of them that need forever homes.
*He is a keeper and we love him to pieces!