It was a great week!! So I'm fully expecting next week to show a much smaller loss. Which is okay!
Friday, 8/2/19 Start Date
Sunday, 8/4/19 -2.3 (TOTAL -2.3)
Sunday, 8/11/19 -4.7 (TOTAL -7)
Sunday, 8/18/19 -2.9 (TOTAL -9.9)
Sunday, 8/25/19 -1.3 (TOTAL -11.2)
Sunday, 9/1/19 -1.0 (TOTAL -12.2)
Sunday, 9/8/19 -3.8 (TOTAL -16.0)
I did eat pretty perfectly the whole week and tracked EVERY single thing. And I consistently drank a gallon of water per day as well. But I am certainly not going to expect a loss like this every week. ANY loss will be good.
I'm still fasting, but not as strictly. If my stomach is really grumbling at night and it doesn't go away after some time OR drinking some water, then I will eat a yogurt or something. And it hasn't seemed to mess with my weight loss at all. I'm just trying to listen to my body!
20 Years of Reading
20 years. TWENTY YEARS OF READING. Okay, so technically this isn’t true. I’ve been reading since I was 5. So (here’s my age)…I’ve been re...
20 years. TWENTY YEARS OF READING. Okay, so technically this isn’t true. I’ve been reading since I was 5. So (here’s my age)…I’ve been re...
Wow. May 7th was the last time I blogged. Oops. I'm not even going to pretend that I have a good reason for the big pause, just life ...
I've been compiling a mental list of things lately that I LOVE and would recommend to anyone. So here it is. Randomness at it's ...