Saturday, March 7, 2015


Our little 4 pound peanut had surgery on Friday.  She got fixed.  She also had 2 baby teeth pulled.  Usually, dogs lose most of their baby teeth by the time they are 6 months.  At her first checkup, the vet said two of her baby teeth were about ready to pop out because her adult teeth were coming in behind them.  So she said they would check them again during surgery while she was under anesthesia and take care of them if they hadn't fallen out yet.  They hadn't, so they pulled them.

Anyways, I picked her up on Friday and she was pretty out of it, AND in the cone of shame:

Poor little thing.  She yelped a few times at home and was just not a happy camper, understandably.  We gave her some pain meds and she slept all night.

Today she was like a completely different puppy.  First off, we took off her cone and put her in a premie onesie that I got at Target.  I got a packet of 4.  They are tiny!  But the newborn onesies were just too big.

The front of it (on her belly) comes down far enough to cover her incision so that she can't mess with it.  So, while we are at home (during the next two weeks) she will wear a onesie.  While we are at work AND when we are sleeping she will be in the cone.  It's the safest way to ensure that she won't mess with her incision.  Not ideal, but it's only 2 weeks.

Today she played, went outside to do her business and was feeling much better.  No yelping at all!  We watched a movie this afternoon when I got home from the garage sale and I had to snap this picture because she was just so adorable:

All tuckered out.  I'm sure by tomorrow she'll be 100%!

20 Years of Reading

20 years.  TWENTY YEARS OF READING. Okay, so technically this isn’t true.  I’ve been reading since I was 5.  So (here’s my age)…I’ve been re...