*Reason #12,347 why I love Target. See this:
It's a gift card that we received from my brother and sister-in-law for our anniversary AND.....it doubles as a bookmark!!!
Is that adorable or what??? I love Target. We used the gift card to buy a few boxes of these:
I'm hoping hubby can hang them up out on our back patio tomorrow. I love them!
*Speaking of hubby, he conducted the Draw Close book in FRENCH a couple weeks ago!
He did great.
*We got this awesome card from my niece:
It makes me smile each time I look at it. ps...have you seen Frozen? If you haven't, please watch it. It's so cute and funny.
*See this smiling guy? He is 100% kennel free. We now trust him on his own in the house while we are at work. It's still a little scary, but he's done so well so far. He is just such a sweet dog. He sleeps in our room every night. He starts off on the bed with us for maybe 30 minutes or so, then hops down and gets on his bed (which is fantastic for us!). He's definitely a keeper. As long as we keep him supplied in chew toys, he seems to be fine unattended.
*I have officially been at my job for four years now. Here's my desk (it looks clean, but the left side, which is not pictured, is a little messy):
And here is the view from my building:
Not too shabby! It's about 7 minutes from home. I love it!
Since I passed my CCA test, I've been using this almost daily:
My boss is having me write all of our coding related appeals. I'm a geek...I love it.
*I helped my mother-in-law with her first French talk today. She's giving it on Wednesday. I am so excited and nervous for her! She'll do great though. She's a natural.
*Why can't we have every Monday off?
*We watched 'The Monuments Men' last night. It started off slow, but it got better. It helps that both George Clooney AND Matt Damon are in it. And Bill Murray. And Hugh Bonneville (Lord Grantham from Downton!). It's a great cast.
*My husband makes GREAT White Russians. He made me one tonight. Before tonight, the last time I had one was when my sister-in-law was here back in January. They are tasty!
*We were short on brothers for our French meeting on Saturday, so guess who got to run the sound booth? Yours truly. Ha ha. It was kinda fun though! Although VERY hard to comment while running the sound booth. Oh well.
*That's all for now!