Sunday, November 17, 2019

Health Check-In 11.17.19

08/2019 loss:  11.2             (TOTAL -11.2)

09/2019 loss:   9.1              (TOTAL -20.3)

10/2019 loss:   6.8              (TOTAL -27.1)

Monday, 11/4/19 -1.6          (TOTAL -28.7)

Monday, 11/11/19  -0.4       (TOTAL - 29.1)

Sunday, 11/17/19 -1.2        (TOTAL -30.3)

A few things.  I'm changing my 'official' weigh-in day back to Sunday.  I don't know why, but I REALLY hated Monday weigh-in as my official date.  It just feels better to do it on a Sunday.

Also, I decided to switch plans on WW.  They recently reorganized some things and now have 3 plans to pick from:  blue (the original), green, or purple.  I'm going to try purple for 2 weeks and see how it goes.  Currently, on blue, you get 23 points a day.  With purple, you only get 16 points per day, BUT a lot of grains and starchy vegetables are on the 'free' list - like brown rice and potatoes.  Even whole wheat pasta!  So I'm going to give it 2 weeks and see how it goes.  I do love my carbs.

Things I enjoyed this week:

FOUR pieces of deep dish pizza (not all at once lol)
Lots of cereal (mixed in with yogurt)
Cheeseburger and french fries (split with my husband)
A mixed drink

I eat this almost every morning, whether at home or at work:

It's scrambled eggs, pinto beans, red chile, and cheese.  4 points and it is SUPER filling.  At work I eat it around 8:00 and I usually don't get hungry again until 1:00 or 1:30.

This is also amazing and my stomach appreciates it:

And THESE.  They are 2 points each and worth it.  Even if you don't like dark me, these are delicious:

I got them at Costco.

I also had to put sizers on my rings.  They were WAY too lose for my comfort.  So I ordered ring sizers on Amazon.  They work perfectly!

I'll keep you posted on plan purple!

20 Years of Reading

20 years.  TWENTY YEARS OF READING. Okay, so technically this isn’t true.  I’ve been reading since I was 5.  So (here’s my age)…I’ve been re...