She comes every Tuesday. I know this is a luxury. I know I am very, very fortunate. She has changed my life, and I know that sounds cheesy and corny and dramatic, but it is true.
I'm a pretty low maintenance gal. I don't get my hair done regularly. I don't get my nails done. I don't get pedicures but once or twice a year. I don't buy expensive clothes.
Instead, I write out Rosa a check every week, and in turn she makes me a sane, relaxed woman.
We have five animals. FIVE. That are indoors 100% of the time. If we didn't have animals, I would not need Rosa. But we do. So I need Rosa.
Rosa is a wonderful, wonderful lady. I don't speak with her often (her English is not the greatest). She and her husband come faithfully every Tuesday and clean my house from top to bottom. And when I say top to bottom...I mean it. Which brings me to the whole point of this post.
Every Tuesday I come home from work and spend about 10 minutes putting everything back in place. It makes me smile. They move furniture. They mop underneath our bed EVERY WEEK. They dust the top of bookshelves. The top of the fridge. They even dust the top of the kitchen cabinets (you know that weird space between the top of the cabinets and the ceiling?).
So everything is a bit 'off' when I come home on Tuesdays. And I love it. I love pushing the couch a few inches back. I love letting down my bedroom curtains (they knot them up when they are mopping). I love straightening the pictures that have moved when they are dusting them.
Rosa has some quirks too, which I also love. For example, I was storing all of my fall boots underneath the bed. That was the only thing under there. Nope, Rosa wasn't having it. For about three Tuesdays, she had removed them stacked them neatly in the closet. She won. They now have a home in the garage during the summer.
She is a lifesaver. Before her, I wasn't able to relax. I was constantly cleaning. Constantly picking up messes and figuring out which room to focus on that evening. I couldn't even sit down and watch tv for 30 minutes without feeling guilty because the house wasn't clean.
We still do chores, but it's every day stuff: laundry, cleaning the cat box, dishwasher, etc. My stress level has gone from high to almost non-existent. It really has been a blessing.
Even with the quirks: