I don’t read as many blogs as I used to. Ones that I used to check every day I’ve found that I check maybe once a week or once a month. My all-time favorite blog, Young House Love, stopped blogging. Boo!! Oh well. So I can cross them off the list. Lately I seem to check websites every day instead of blogs.
Here’s the few I still check in on occasionally:
I check this one about every other day. It is run by 2 sisters, Elsie and Emma. The blog was started by Elsie YEARS ago. I followed her way back then. She got her own line of scrapbooking products, which were really cute. She then began painting. Then her blog grew, her sister joined her, and now they have around 10 people working for them and have built a million dollar company. The blog is a little bit of everything, but here’s why I read it regularly:
*Emma is a cook, and is also a vegetarian. So there are TONS of vegetarian recipes on the site. I’ve made a few of them and they are really good.
*They offer a lot of e-courses. I haven’t taken any of them yet, but I have one that I purchased that is ready for me whenever I want. It is a DSLR Basics class.
*There’s plenty of content. They post usually twice a day and usually once on the weekends. I skim a lot of their posts (like their fashion ones…because their style is soooooo not me). But I read most of the others.
*They created a photo editing app, which is just amazing. It is sooooo easy to use. It’s .99, and worth every penny. All of my pictures in Instagram that are collages or have text or doodles on them were edited from their app. This app is what was a game changer for their company I think. It was a huge hit.
*They introduced me to Kelly Moore bags. Enough said.
Here’s a few that I check once every now and then (usually once a week or once a month)
Everyone knows who she is. I used to check every day, but not so much anymore. I like her Home & Garden section the most.
This is written by a DIY maniac (I mean that in a nice way) that lives in a super old house in Canada. She is hilarious. And she has chickens.
My favorite organizing blog, hands down. Jen is awesome. I check this one usually twice a week.
I’ve been reading about Lisa’s journey of moving to Paris for a few years now. I love reading her blog about her life in Paris and especially her ‘No Love Locks’ campaign to keep the ‘love locks’ off of the beautiful bridges in Paris. I emailed her a few months ago and attached a brochure that I found at Jared Jewelers (of all places) advertising a new line of ‘love lock’ jewelry they have. Sickening. She emailed me right back and thanked me for my support. I told her how I ranted in the jewelry store (yes, I actually ranted). Tourists need to STOP doing this. Anyways, she was very sweet. I like her blog.
And….that’s pretty much it as far as blogs go. I just don’t read them like I used to.
There are a few websites that I check every day though:
The message boards. Always helpful, sometimes entertaining.
YNAB, YNAB, YNAB. The forums (message boards) are by people who are using the product. You can post questions, complaints (although I have yet to see a complaint), success stories, random things, anything on these boards. I am not a participant, but I could be if I wanted to I suppose. I just read read read read read. The forums are open to everyone, although there are certain areas that are blocked unless you create an account (which is free), like the Journals. The Journals are amazing. These are what I read the most. I stayed up until 1:00 a.m. on Saturday a few weeks ago reading one journal. I couldn’t put it down! She started journaling her financial journey a couple years ago, and so there were pages and pages and she is still journaling. People write about their budgeting wins, losses, plans, getting out of debt, living on a super tight budget, how to make extra money, etc. It is just very inspiring and I love reading them.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…YNAB is amazing. I highly suggest it to anyone who needs a budget tool. I converted my sister and she is a believer now as well.
I don’t watch our local news or any news for that matter on the television, so I read CNN for the latest headlines just so I’m not completely oblivious to what is going on in the world.
That’s pretty much it. I used to check People.com daily but now I check it maybe once a week. I’m finding that the older I get, the less I care about celebrities. My time is too valuable to waste it reading about what Kim Kardashian wore (or didn’t wear) or who is dating whom. I just don’t care.
I’d rather read about a single mother of 3 who manages to live on practically nothing each month due to her incredible budgeting with YNAB. Or the woman who moved with her husband and two kids to England and bought a fixer-upper house, sharing her budgeting ups and downs along the way. :)