Saturday, February 24, 2018

What Helps

I am 12 days post-op.  The first couple of days were rough, pain wise.  I didn't get out of bed much.  But since then, I've felt a lot better.  I still have 'off' days (especially mentally), but for the most part I'm doing pretty good.  I did some research and even when you still have your ovaries, having a hysterectomy can still mess with your emotions for a while.  And it has.

Here is what has been helping me tremendously:

1.  My family.  I could not have done this without their help and support!  My husband and mother-in-law have been taking care of me every day.  And the constant texts and phone calls from my family have been wonderful.

2.  Cards and treats from family and friends.  It brings such a smile to my face!

3.  Outings.  I have only been out a couple of times, but each time it felt SO GOOD!

4.  Tea.  I LOVE hot tea and it has been so much comfort to me.  There's just nothing like a hot cup of fresh tea!

5.  Books.  One of my outings was to the library and books have been a phenomenal distraction.

6.  Puzzles.  I NEVER would have thought I would enjoy doing puzzles so much. The first one I did was one that my sister sent me.  I worked on it for a few days and the night before my surgery I worked on it for HOURS and it was the BEST distraction ever.  So I got another one at Target that I just finished.  And then I ordered one from Amazon (an antique world map!) that is supposed to be arriving today.  They're kind of addicting!

7.  Johnson's Baby Wash.  I know this seems like an odd thing to have on my list, but the first shower I took when I came home was painful because I used my own body wash on my incisions and other areas.  Not good.  So I dug through the stuff the hospital sent home with me and found this.  Then my mother-in-law went out and bought me a giant bottle of it.  It so gentle, I love it!

8.  Meals.  My surgery was on a Monday.  We had meals delivered that Wednesday and Friday and the following week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  We had so many delicious dinners brought by our friends!  My friend from Massachusetts brought New England Chicken Pot Pie (her mother's recipe).  It had mashed potatoes AND stuffing in it.  It was delicious.  And it was soooo nice to not have to worry about cooking/meal planning for a while.  Plus we had lots of leftovers too.

9.  Pets.  Their presence is just nice and always welcome.

Well I think that's it!  I have two more weeks off of work.  :)

20 Years of Reading

20 years.  TWENTY YEARS OF READING. Okay, so technically this isn’t true.  I’ve been reading since I was 5.  So (here’s my age)…I’ve been re...