Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 Goals

It's January 1st, which means it's time to set goals for 2015!

I did pretty good with last year's goals, but I have a few new ones to add:

*Make at least 2 photo books on Shutterfly.  I'm a believer in printing pictures and having albums or photo books.  But I have yet to do this.  And they make it so easy now!

*Start exercising.  Sigh.

*Cook more.  I do not enjoy cooking.  At all.  But I think it's because I don't do it often enough.  But we've been meal planning more and I think that will help get me motivated.

*Stick to our YNAB budget (more on this later).

*Read the Bible in its entirety.  Okay, so this isn't a new one, I had it on my goal last year.  I did well for about 3 months, then I slacked off.

I printed off a new schedule from

I also revamped by personal study binder.  Yes, I have a personal study binder.  Come on, you can't be surprised.  It has these plastic pocket folders that hold books and articles and brochures and stuff.  

Anyways, since we started French, my personal study has suffered.  Yes, I study for the meetings and read the magazines, but not much else.  French is sooooo time consuming and it's hard to fit other stuff in.  But I really need to and I really WANT to. 

I printed off some articles about personal study.

I really want to get through this book before our next convention, so that will be my focus (in addition to my daily Bible reading):

That's all....for now.  Just 5 goals that I think are pretty attainable.  I'll keep you posted on how it's going!

20 Years of Reading

20 years.  TWENTY YEARS OF READING. Okay, so technically this isn’t true.  I’ve been reading since I was 5.  So (here’s my age)…I’ve been re...