Our bedroom has been a mess for quite some time. I took 'before' pictures, but don't have the guts to show them here. So....moving on, ha ha.
First things first. I moved all of the dirty laundry out of the bedroom/bathroom and into the laundry room. Over the weekend, we got all of the laundry done and folded and put away. Victory!
Next, I changed the sheets and made the bed. Our 'comforter' is pretty sad. It's not even a comforter. It's a snagged blanket. I refuse to buy ‘real’ comforters for two reasons: 1 – my husband gets hot at night and kicks off the blankets and usually just uses the sheet. And two, we have animals, two of which sleep with us every night, one that has front claws. Which is why I use $14.99 Calvin Klein blankets from Costco as our bedding. And I’m totally okay with it. Once the blanket is worn or snagged (after probably 6 months), I go to Costco and get a new one. The old one I cut up into 4 pieces and given to Watson as his blankie (4 pieces will last him about 6 months, so it all works out). The circle of life of the blanket. What can I say, it works for us. And to me, spending $30 a year on bedding is okay.
After that, I removed everything that doesn’t belong in the bedroom. Dishes and miscellaneous products that I’m not sure how or WHY they ended up in the bedroom.
Then I folded and/or hung up all of the clean clothes that were piled on top of my dresser and hanging on the hooks we have in our entryway.
Then I went through my half of the closet one more time and got rid of anything that I haven’t worn in the past 6 months. There wasn’t much because I just did this not too long ago.
Then I cleaned up Abby’s area. Abby does not sleep with us. She is simply too small and it’s best for her own safety to sleep in her own bed. So she has her little ‘nook’ on my husband’s side of the bed. Her bed, TWO blankets (she likes to burrow), her food and water dish (before bed she gets a small handful of kibble as a snack until she’s a year old and fresh water of course), and her basket of toys. We keep our bedroom door shut all day so at night when we open the door to go to bed, she comes charging into the bedroom, eats her snack, chooses a toy, plays with that toy for 20 minutes or so and then climbs in and burrows under her blankets in her bed. And we don’t hear a peep out of her until my alarm goes off every morning. She’s a good girl.
Anyways, back to the bedroom.
Then I cleaned. I swept the floors, even under the furniture. Then mopped. And vacuumed the rug and dusted.
Then I took a good, hard look at the ‘visual’ clutter. Candles, pictures, knick-knacks, etc. I got rid of a few things that I didn’t care for or didn’t ‘spark joy’.
And then I took some pictures and a deep breath and basked in the glory of our newly cleaned bedroom. Here's the afters:
So. Much. Better! I swear I sleep better in a clean & organized room. There is just something so nice and relaxing about not having extra clutter around or having stuff all over the floors and surfaces.
Another thing done!
(I didn't have the heart to tell Howie to get out of my pictures, so he's showing off a bit.)